When kids get colds, flu or other respiratory illnesses, the coughing and wheezing make it even more difficult.
Many families have found themselves in the ER – or even admitted to the hospital – due to an asthma flare. The key to keeping these flares at bay is control.
Asthma CAN be controlled and controlled asthma looks very different than uncontrolled asthma. This requires keeping up with care.
In between flares it may seem like everything is fine. At these times, you may even question why your child needs to see an asthma specialist – but it’s still very important.
Asthma that’s monitored and treated regularly allows kids to live active and healthy lives. It’s important to find an asthma specialist to help determine how to most effectively control your child’s asthma. They will ask questions to get an understanding of how your child’s asthma is affecting their daily activities over a period of time. Then they’ll conduct examinations and perform lung function tests as needed, depending on your child’s symptoms.
Once the specialist understands how asthma is affecting your child and their life, they’ll work with you to develop a plan to control it with medication, changes to the environment and managing flares. It can take a period of time to adjust the plan so it works best for your child’s specific needs.
This time of year, it’s also especially important to get the flu vaccine.
“People with asthma are particularly vulnerable to complications from respiratory illnesses. While we can’t always ward off every cold that comes along, getting the influenza vaccine is the first and most important step in protecting against the flu,” says Dr. Michael Schechter, pediatric pulmonologist, asthma specialist and medical director of our UCAN community asthma program. “Flu impacts the lungs. For asthmatics, this can quickly lead to flare ups, hospital trips and other undesirable consequences.”
Kids don’t have to miss out on school, sports and other daily activities when they’re feeling great and asthma is under control!