Your milk is safe and beneficial for your baby.
So far, the virus has not been found in the breast milk of women with COVID-19. The limited studies on breastfeeding women with COVID-19 and other coronavirus infections have not detected the virus in breast milk. Currently, the primary concern is not whether the virus can be transmitted through breast milk, but rather whether an infected mother can transmit the virus through respiratory droplets during the period of breastfeeding. A mother with COVID-19 symptoms should take precautions like washing her hands before touching her baby and wearing a face mask while feeding.
Breast milk gives babies protection against many illnesses. It also is the best source of antibodies and nutrition for most babies. Talk with your ob-gyn or other health care professional about whether to start or continue breastfeeding.
It is actually safer to give your breast milk – not formula or donor milk. Breast milk contains one-of-a-kind antibodies that lower the chances that your baby becomes sick with COVID-19. Top authorities, such as World Health Organization, Centers for Disease Control, American College of Pediatrics, and Academy of Breastfeeding Medicine recommend that breastfeeding should continue during this pandemic.
If a mother’s milk is not available or not plentiful, donor milk is a great option. Formula is the next best and a safe alternative. We recommend that you discuss options with your care team.
It is recommended that you only get donor milk from an official milk bank to assure that the milk is safe. Donor milk provided by our hospital comes from a milk bank that follows thorough screening and sterilization processes. We do not recommend using donor milk from unknown or private sources.
We recognize that every baby and mom is different so we offer resources and reassurance for all levels of breastfeeding experience – from those who have never breastfed or are struggling to moms who might just might want additional support.
At our dedicated lactation clinic, you’ll receive breastfeeding assistance for yourself and medical care for your infant. We are offering virtual and in-person visits five days a week. Please call the scheduling line at (804) 828-CHOR (2467) and our coordinator will determine whether an in-person or virtual visit will work best for you.
There are several precautions you can take to limit exposure.
Your family’s safety and well-being remain our priority.