In January, Dr. Jin Lee, chief of the Division of Cardiology, will join the Lucile Packard Children's Hospital Stanford where she will continue her work in the development of novel cardiac catheterization techniques. We wish Dr. Lee a fond farewell and thank her for her incredible leadership as chief of our Division of Cardiology.
Under her leadership, we further expanded our Children’s Hospital Foundation Heart Center team and capabilities with the recruitment of five new cardiologists spanning specialties of non-invasive imaging, neuromuscular cardiomyopathy, non-invasive procedures, fetal, electrophysiology as well as research in areas of cardiac MRI and muscular dystrophy.
Dilli Bhurtel, MD
Sal Casella, MD
John Phillips, MD
Frank Raucci, MD, PhD
Uyen Truong, MD
Our Heart Center remains strong and will continue to flourish under the interim leadership of Dr. Scott Gullquist while we conduct a national search for a new chief. Dr. Gullquist joined the VCU team more than 25 years ago and has been an integral part of the growth of the heart center. He served as interim chief while we conducted the national search that brought Dr. Lee to CHoR, and will continue her comprehensive vision to grow and nurture our robust heart center team and programs.
Dr. Gullquist was recruited to CHoR from Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia to serve as a cardiac intensive care consultant before that role existed in a formal fashion within pediatric cardiology. His career has included special focuses in congenital heart disease, non-invasive imaging, inpatient cardiac care and all aspects of general cardiology. Dr. Gullquist also serves as the cardiac medical liaison for World Pediatric Project.
Dr. Gullquist is a seasoned physician and faculty member who is well-respected by his peers and adored by his patients and families, as reflected in his 4-star patient satisfaction rating. We’re excited to have Dr. Gullquist in this leadership role and look forward to the continued growth of our outstanding heart center team and programs.