July Calendar Kid: Eating made easier for Kevin
July 17, 2024
CHoR July calendar kid Kevin with line drawing of him operating crane

    Feeding therapy helps kids eat, grow and thrive

    Kids can’t live on pizza alone, though many would love it if they could! Kevin Allen, like many 4-year-olds, was a picky eater. Add food allergies into the mix and getting the nutrients he needed from foods beyond pizza and grilled cheese became a challenge.

    Kevin and his feeding team tackled his picky eating

    In 2022, Kevin’s allergist referred him for feeding therapy at CHoR.

    “He originally came in as a highly selective eater with allergies and some anxiety,” said Amaka Winslow, the speech-language pathologist on Kevin’s feeding team.

    Amaka and psychologist Dr. Sarah Benton worked with Kevin on trying foods of various textures, tastes and colors, which wasn’t easy for a little one with food aversions. His great attitude definitely helped.

    “Kevin is humorous, very energetic and friendly. He received the best all-around friend award at school,” said his parents, Kevin Sr. and Maria. “He is very ambitious and a caring child. He always checks to see if someone is ok. We’re proud of how he has the ability to brighten people’s day.”

    “We were often presenting challenging foods to Kevin and even with that, he always had a good attitude, and his spirit and energy were invigorating,” said Dr. Benton.

    Kevin’s parents were an important part of the team too. They took an active part in the therapy sessions so they could build on the techniques and skills during meals at home.

    Graduating from feeding therapy and savoring summer

    “The family was incredibly supportive, very diligent with their home programming and an overall joy to work with,” added Amaka. “Kevin was able to meet all his feeding therapy goals in full. By the time he discharged he could eat a number of foods from any food group.”

    CHoR calendar kid Kevin Allen in his baseball uniformKevin participated in feeding therapy for about a year. Now 5 years old, he recently graduated from kindergarten and wrapped up his t-ball season. He’s getting ready to start swimming lessons soon. With the support of his parents and CHoR team, he’s grown to love tacos, hot dogs and green beans, and tolerate many healthy foods that will help him grow, thrive and participate in all his favorite activities. Though he’s done with his appointments, he still asks about Dr. Benton and Amaka.

    “It was great to see his anxiety reduce as he continued in therapy,” said Dr. Benton. “While we certainly miss him, we are so happy to hear that he’s continuing to eat a greater variety!”

    These days, Kevin is enjoying summer with his friends – and maybe even trying some new healthy and delicious foods of the season!

    Find nutrition and feeding resources for your family.

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