Appointment and visitation FAQs

Masking guidelines

  • Effective April 10, 2023: Masking is optional throughout all Children's Hospital of Richmond at VCU facilities, with a few exceptions for direct inpatient care and high-risk patient care areas.

Visitation guidelines

Note:  Individual units will share more visitation details with families upon admission to inpatient care. 

Children's Tower pediatric intensive care (level 9) and acute care pediatrics (levels 10 and 12)

  • 2 adult visitors at the bedside at a time from 8 a.m. - 8 p.m.
  • 2 parents can spend the night in the room unless otherwise noted by your child's care team
  • 4 adults permitted on patient's approved visitor list throughout their stay
    • 2 parents/caregivers are given badges that grant access to your child's unit and amenities (family gym, playrooms, indoor garden, etc.)
    • 2 additional adult visitors are given badges that only access your child's unit
  • Siblings permitted from 8 a.m. - 8 p.m. (Siblings do not count towards the 2 visitors at the bedside at a time, i.e. a patient can have 2 parents and siblings at the bedside at once.)
  • NOTE: See special guidelines below for cellular immunotherapies and transplant unit patients who are hospitalized on level 12

Children's Tower acute care pediatrics cellular immunotherapies and transplant unit (level 12)

  • 2 adult visitors at a time from 8 a.m. - 8 p.m.
  • 2 parents can spend the night in the room
  • Masks are required at all times unless eating or sleeping

Children's ER

  • 2 adult visitors

Transitional Care Unit

  • We have unrestricted inside visitation and visitors are encouraged to contact the TCU social worker to schedule use of a visitation room.

Virginia Treatment Center for Children

  • 2 adult visitors at a time from 8 a.m. - 8 p.m.
  • 4 adults permitted on patient's approved visitor list throughout their stay
  • 1 parent can spend the night in the room

Neonatal Intensive Care Unit

  • 2 adults (age 18+) at the bedside at a time from
  • 1 parent can spend the night in the room