Clinical guidelines
Clinical guidelines based on the best available evidence have been shown to improve care and shorten hospital stays for children.
The guidelines below are the result of experts from many specialties across CHoR coming together to review evidence and suggest best practice.
Since all children are different, it is often appropriate to adapt the recommendations listed below to the special needs of each child. These guidelines are not meant as a substitute for thoughtful clinical judgment.
Guideline questions
Contact the clinical guidelines committee with questions or comments:
Internal workflows (only accessible by team members)
CHoR clinical guidelines
Abdomen (High Risk) - Pediatric ED
Adrenal Insufficiency - Pediatric Emergency Medicine
Agitation - Pediatric ED
Airway Alert Internal use only
Ankyloglossia - Newborn Nursery
Appendicitis - Pediatric Emergency Medicine
Asthma - Pediatric Acute Care
Asthma- Pediatric ED
Blood Culture Contaminant: Pediatric ED Callback Procedure - Pediatric ED
Bronchiolitis - Pediatric ED and Pediatric Acute Care
Button Battery Ingestion (NCPC) - Pediatric ED
Care coordination for patients with multiple surgery teams (surgery and hospital medicine MOU) Internal use only
Child Abuse Concerns Algorithm Internal use only
CMV Screening Protocol (Newborn Targeted)
Croup - Pediatric ED and Pediatric Acute Care
Delirium Prevention, Screening and Management- Pediatric Critical Care
Diabetic Ketoacidosis (DKA) - Pediatric ED and PICU
Difficult Intravenous Access and Blood Draw - Pediatric inpatient
Dihydroergotamine (DHE) Guidance - Inpatient Pediatrics and Pediatric ED
Fever and Central Line (non-oncology) - Pediatric ED
Gastroenteritis - Pediatric ED and Pediatric Acute Care
Gastrostomy Tube Dislodgement- Pediatric ED and Pediatric Surgery
High-Flow Nasal Cannula in Bronchiolitis - Pediatric ED and Pediatric Acute Care
Hyperbilirubinemia - Pediatric ED
Hyperglycemic Hyperosmolar Syndrome and Hyperosmolar DKA
Hypoglycemia - Newborn Nursery
Ileocolic Intussusception - Pediatric ED, Surgery and Hospital Medicine
Migraine - Pediatric ED and Inpatient Neurology
Multisystem Inflammatory Syndrome in Children (MIS-C), initial evaluation - Pediatric ED, Inpatient Pediatrics and General Pediatrics
Multisystem Inflammatory Syndrome in Children (MIS-C), management - Inpatient Pediatrics
Neonatal Fever - Pediatric ED and Pediatric Acute Care
Neonatal Graves Disease - Inpatient and Outpatient Management
Nephrolithiasis - Pediatric ED
Pancreatitis (acute) - Pediatric Gastroenterology
Penicillin Allergy De-Labeling Pathway - Pediatric ED, Acute Care and Critical Care
Peripheral IV Extravasation/Infiltration (PIVIE) Treatment - Inpatient and Outpatient Pediatrics
PICU discharge process map for new chronic invasive ventilation Internal use only
PICU early mobilization Internal use only
- Community Acquired Pneumonia - Pediatric ED and Pediatric Acute Care
- Complicated Pneumonia - Pediatric ED, Pediatric Acute Care and Pediatric Critical Care Medicine
Sedation for mechanical ventilation - Pediatric Intensive Care Unit
Sepsis (ED) - Pediatric ED
Small bowel obstruction (Adhesive) - Acute Care
Sickle Cell Acute Chest Syndrome- Pediatric ED and Pediatric Hem-Onc
Sickle Cell Vaso-occlusive Crisis - Pediatric ED and Pediatric Hem-Onc
Testicular/Scrotal Pain (Non-Traumatic) - Pediatric ED and Urology
Tonsillar Hemorrhage - Pediatric ED and Otolaryngology
Trauma manual Internal use only
Urinary Tract Infection (suspected) - Pediatric ED, Pediatric Outpatient and Inpatient Pediatrics
Ventilated Patients on Acute Care Pediatrics: Admission Criteria Internal use only