Activation (pre-award) processes and resources

Study prerequisites

New to research? Here are pre-requisites for VCU's pre-award process:

  1. Required Human Subjects Research (CITI) Training - every 2 years minimum mandatory modules: BASIC (not refresher if new to VCU) and GCP
  2. Conflict of Interest Requirements - annual
  3. Office of Sponsored Programs will notify researcher to complete mandatory training for new (to VCU) Principal Investigators (PIs)
  4. PIs must submit current CV and Medical License (if applicable) to the Pediatric Research Office

Investigator initiated studies

This includes competitive proposal submissions to sponsors, including the NIH and foundations either directly as prime awardee or via another university as a subawardee or participating site.

See list of steps for investigator initiated studies

Industry funded studies

This includes all industry sponsored studies either as prime PI/awardee or as a participating site via another institution.

See list of steps for industry sponsored studies