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Management (post-award) processes and resources

Management processes and resources

Tools to guide the researcher through the ongoing oversight and management throughout a study.

Although the PI is responsible for both scientific and financial oversight of a sponsored award, sponsored awards are made to VCU and VCU's research support departments will ensure that sponsor, institutional and all other general and award-specific policies, commitments and guidelines are adhered to.*

*An exception is quality improvement agreements which are made to and managed by VCUHS.

NOTE for all researchers:

  • VCU is the academic research institution that owns and manages your externally funded award. VCU is the name recognized by the NIH and other non-industry sponsors, so please use the letterhead linked here for your pre and post-award sponsored award letters to ensure that the sponsor recognizes that you are supported by a research institution that has the infrastructure to successfully oversee your award. 

Researcher roles and responsibilities

Investigator-initiated awards:

If you receive an intent to award or an award notification from the sponsor, please ensure that the Pediatric Research Office team is included or made aware so that we can help with internal activation processes.

  • Protocol Review and Oversight Committee (PROC) approval: If your awarded or to-be-awarded project includes human subject research, you must submit a PROC questionnaire and receive approval prior to submitting the IRB protocol for approval. Access the questionnaire via VCU ONETRAC. 
  • Just in time notification: Forward the email to a PRO grant administrator to begin compiling the requested documents. If your proposal involves human subjects research, the protocol must now be submitted and IRB approval received as part of the JIT documentation submission and before the award can be made.
  • Notice of award: Read your NOA carefully for any changes from what was proposed and make note of relevant dates such as progress reports and any other post-award requirements made by the sponsor.
  • Index: Once the NOA is received, a PRO administrator will obtain an index (account number) so that PRO can allocate committed effort and the proposed project can get underway. Please discuss spending needs and any sub-awards with the PRO team to ensure sponsor and institutional policies are followed and that any budgetary changes are discussed in advance. 
  • Progress reports: These may be scientific or combined with a financial report and can be almost as complex as submitting a proposal.  To ensure timely submission, alert the PRO grant administrator well in advance to review necessary documents and assign roles leading to submission. 
  • Monthly expense reports: As long as the award is open, the PI is required to certify expenses monthly via VCU's Research Dashboard. It is the PI's responsibility to oversee that effort for all budgeted personnel is being charged properly and that expenses adhere to the proposed budget. 

Industry-sponsored awards:

Most industry-sponsored awards incur revenue based on enrollment and specific study milestones. The PI is required to commit a minimum of 1% effort. If the sponsor budget does not adequately cover this cost, it is the PIs responsibility to locate institutional funds to cover this cost share. 

Screening and open ongoing communication with the study team is imperative for successful enrollment.

The PROC will review your study on a semi-annual basis to help you review enrollment success, examine internal and external factors, and determine continuance.

For researchers and students