Patient forms
Patient forms
Surgery instructions/information sheets
The following are links to printable information sheets with details about how to prepare for a child's surgery, what to bring, where to park, and what to expect during and after the procedure.
- Getting ready for cleft lip surgery
- Getting ready for cleft palate surgery
- Getting ready for cranial vault surgery
- Getting ready for pediatric plastic surgery
Spanish versions
- Preparándose para la cirugía de labio leporino
- Preparándose para la cirugía de paladar hendido
- Preparación para la Cirugía de la Bóveda Craneana
- Preparándose para la Cirugía Plástica Pediátrica
- Dosis de Tylenol para niños(as)
- Riesgos Y Riesgos Y Beneficios de Procrit Para La Cirugia Infantil Del Craneo
- Spanish ASA Products