Outpatient Consult Clinic

Sometimes, kids’ mental health concerns can’t wait. The outpatient consult clinic at Virginia Treatment Center for Children is a psychiatric consultation service for families of children ages 17 and younger who need to be seen in a timely manner. The clinic is led by mental health providers with the goal of providing a one-time psychiatric assessment, along with resources and recommendations for families who are concerned about a change in their child’s presentation or worsening symptoms.

Our services

  • Timely psychiatric consultation for families when they’re unsure of how to help their child’s mental health
  • Therapeutic environment to provide a stable and calming atmosphere for every patient and their family
  • Detailed psychiatric recommendations to help educate patients and families on symptom presentation and evidence-based next steps
  • Specific outpatient resources to ensure every family is followed and guided by our case management team to navigate available resources

Who should come to the Outpatient Consult Clinic? 

Children and teens with mental health concerns including, but not limited to, the following may benefit from this clinic:

  • Suicidal ideations
  • Homicidal ideations
  • Auditory or visual hallucinations
  • Acute change in mental health
  • Require psychiatry evaluation prior to returning to school
  • Mental health concerns are affecting family/social/school life

Children and teens with the following concerns should be seen in an emergency department

  • Have physically harmed themselves
  • Have ingested substances
  • Have unstable medical conditions
  • Have intellectual disability
  • Have non-verbal autism


If you would like your child to be seen in the clinic, please call: 804-828-3137

Appointments must be scheduled ahead of time and are not meant to take the place of a new patient/follow-up visit or for medication management. A parent/guardian must accompany child to the clinic appointment.


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