Safe sleeping zone for children with asthma
Safe sleeping zone for children with asthma
Make a clean and healthy space where your child's lungs can rest all night!
Reduce dust and dust mites
- Put pillows and mattress in allergen covers.
- Wash blankets, sheets and pillowcases in very hot water (130 degrees F) and dry them in the dryer every week.
- Vacuum once a week when your child is not in the room, using a double-layer bag or HEPA filter. Your child should wait a few minutes before going back in.
- Use a clean, damp cloth to wipe all surfaces in your child's bedroom every week.
- Clean all exposed floors with a damp mop every week.
- Use an air purifier instead of a humidifier or vaporizer.
- Keep stuffed animals out of bed, if possible. Wash in hot water or freeze them for 24 hours every week if your child can't be without them.
Reduce triggers
- Strong smells can irritate airways. Avoid tobacco, candles or incense in the child's bedroom, along with strong smelling perfumes, sprays or cleaning products.
- Avoid feather pillows or down comforters.
- Avoid eating in the bedroom. It attracts bugs and cockroaches.
- Pets should stay out of the bedroom. The hair and dander can irritate airways.
- Replace all pillows at least every five years.
- Keep humidity below 50 percent using a dehumidifier.
- Clutter-free rooms are asthma friendly rooms.